Projects Algorithms Base64 Encoder Finding "holes" in a sorted list of numbers Largest Sub-Square in a Binary Array Linked Lists Maze Generation & Solving Stacks Bowyery General Construction Bumblebee Heavy Longbow Heavy Pyramid Bow Challenges & Competitions Eudyptula Challenge Matasanto Crypto Challenge Homebrewing Beer Mead Image Processing Tutorials 0 - The Basics 1 - Downsampling 2 - Upsampling & Interpolation I - Nearest Neighbour Interpolation II – Bilinear Interpolation III - Bicubic Spline Interpolation IV - Generalized Bicubic Interpolation 3 – Histograms, Statistics, & Single Pixel Operations I - Histograms & Statistics II - Contrast Adjustment & Image Normalization III - Gamma Correction IV - Logarithmic Transformation V - Error Vectors 4 - Spatial Convolution Masks I - Basic Masks II - Special Masks and Edge Detection 5 – Image Noise & Spatial Domain Filtering I - Salt & Pepper Noise - Non-Linear Filtering II - Gaussian Noise - Linear Filtering III - Adaptive Filtering Software Projects Brain Venctricle Analyzer ThunderVoice Systems AcousticAid Breast Cancer Screening Device SolarMax Wireless Charge Controller Woodworking "Thomas the Tank Engine" styled wagon Ana White "Tryde" Coffee Table Christmas Stocking Holder Heavy duty workbench Transforming Art Box & Easel